Tuesday, October 1, 2013

By: Jennifer Powell

(These are photos that I have taken. I reused these images and edited them on iphoto)


Figure/Ground: By adjusting the depth of field (DOF), produce two or more pictures that have clear figure/ground contrast. Make the subject well-focused and everything else out of focus. Also, try to produce natural and realistic color.

  1. Low Light Setting:

    1. By adjusting the exposure setting, produce one or more pictures that are bright enough and have natural color under the extreme-low light setting. Do NOT use flash. Also, try to produce natural and realistic color. Also provide counterexamples by not adjusting the exposure setting.

    1. Use of Lighting:

    1. Find a place where there is a lot of outdoor lighting and use a fill flash to lighten up the harsh shadow on the subject. At the same time, avoid over-exposure. Produce one or more good examples. Also, provide a counterexample by not using a fill flash.

Close-up: By using the macro setting on your camera, take one or more extreme-close-up shots. Try to capture and show minute details of a subject. If you are taking a picture of text or images (e.g., textbook page, book front cover, flyer, etc.), try to make it as if they were scanned images.

  1. Composition, Alignment & Pattern:

  1. By using the rule of thirds, alignment and patterns, produce two or more pictures with a good composition.

Part 2: 

Computer Graphics

Apply the graphic design principles, the rule of thirds, and multimedia learning principles, and create one or more images that clearly show and help viewers focus on the important details. Try to be creative and try out as many graphic editing techniques as you can. Also, provide an explanation about what elements of the image are making it easier to focus on the important details in the image, and how you created the image.

In this photo I used the rule of thirds.  I focused on good composition and alignment.  It is very symmetrical and simple.  The use of lighting in this photo is great.  The focused objects are light while the back ground is subtle and shaded. I cropped out objects that were on the left and right to have a centered focus.    

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