Monday, December 2, 2013

Teaching Innovation/ KUBBU

Jennifer Powell
Teaching Innovation


I have created an alternative way of learning in the classroom through using an online website that allows students to work, play, and learn.  This is not a typical sit in the classroom and listen to the teacher talk while you take notes kind of learning, this is a hands on, game style, progress tracking way of learning.  Find it
How it would be used…
I have set up a KUBBU account for what I would use for a 4th grade class.  I would use this site for the subject of History.   The students and I would change up the typical class day and leave to work in a computer lab for this subject.  The students can then work independently or in groups while on this site. 
This site includes…
-Individual student accounts
-Collaborative learning tools
-Progress reports
-Activities in game form
-Instructions for each activity
-Communication through email
-Social networking
-Analysis tools
-Mobile technology
-Files where documents can be shown to help them
-Due dates
-Time limits
Why I enjoy this site…
It is a unique way of learning because it challenges and motivates students through games.  It uses their working memory and allows many graphics.  Most importantly it is very accessible for teachers to get on and track the progress of their students, every thing the students do can be monitored.  It gives the students a fun way to learn by playing games and interacting with their classmates.  One of the greatest things about this site is that it can be something the kids work on at home.  The kids can use this for study material and extra help.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

By: Jennifer Powell

(These are photos that I have taken. I reused these images and edited them on iphoto)


Figure/Ground: By adjusting the depth of field (DOF), produce two or more pictures that have clear figure/ground contrast. Make the subject well-focused and everything else out of focus. Also, try to produce natural and realistic color.

  1. Low Light Setting:

    1. By adjusting the exposure setting, produce one or more pictures that are bright enough and have natural color under the extreme-low light setting. Do NOT use flash. Also, try to produce natural and realistic color. Also provide counterexamples by not adjusting the exposure setting.

    1. Use of Lighting:

    1. Find a place where there is a lot of outdoor lighting and use a fill flash to lighten up the harsh shadow on the subject. At the same time, avoid over-exposure. Produce one or more good examples. Also, provide a counterexample by not using a fill flash.

Close-up: By using the macro setting on your camera, take one or more extreme-close-up shots. Try to capture and show minute details of a subject. If you are taking a picture of text or images (e.g., textbook page, book front cover, flyer, etc.), try to make it as if they were scanned images.

  1. Composition, Alignment & Pattern:

  1. By using the rule of thirds, alignment and patterns, produce two or more pictures with a good composition.

Part 2: 

Computer Graphics

Apply the graphic design principles, the rule of thirds, and multimedia learning principles, and create one or more images that clearly show and help viewers focus on the important details. Try to be creative and try out as many graphic editing techniques as you can. Also, provide an explanation about what elements of the image are making it easier to focus on the important details in the image, and how you created the image.

In this photo I used the rule of thirds.  I focused on good composition and alignment.  It is very symmetrical and simple.  The use of lighting in this photo is great.  The focused objects are light while the back ground is subtle and shaded. I cropped out objects that were on the left and right to have a centered focus.    

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

good vs bad assignment

good vs. bad


good image size

bad image size

  • the first image is clear and sharp while the second image is incredibly blurry.


good background
bad background

  • The first background has a clean sharp back round while the second one is hard to make out and busy.

good use of color

bad use of color

  • The first image really pops while the second image uses colors that blend with each other.


good alignment pattern
bad alignment pattern

  • The first image flows in a specific pattern while the second image is moving in a random order... you can not predict what is next.

bad detail and realism

                                                                             good detail and realism

  • The first image you can hardly understand what is going on, while the second photo is crisp clean and detailed.


good subject matter

bad subject matter

  • The first picture actually looks like the real Britney Spears, and the second picture is clearly an impersonator that just looks silly. 


good figure ground contrast

bad figure ground contrast

  • the first figure flows... the color patterns are the same throughout the photo.  The second photo has a dramatic change in the color and draws your eye to the mismatched colored carpet


good lighting

                          bad lighting
  • The first lighting really highlights the dancers and what they are doing... the second photos lighting is awkward, the shadow looks like a foreign object coming out of the ground. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

journal 1

I seem to always just bullet point.  Bullet points should be used for important points and I tend to use them for everything!  That can be repetitive and boring to look at.  It can also cause confusion to students on which points are more important than others.

I tend to design my slides with a personalized princible... I learn better when things are related to me so if I was teaching to a class of elementary students I would present the lesson in a way that they could relate to.  Which would take some thinking and observing considering they do not take place in the same daily events that adults do.  

The biggest challenge for me to overcome is to shorten the over writing I do and cut to the point more in my presentations.  I tend to over write and that can loose the audience or class.